This NEW Optional (opt-in) Rate is now offered to Residential Marblehead Electric Customers who want 100% Carbon-free Electricity NOW.
Join the growing number of Massachusetts residents who want to be part of the climate crisis solution. Enrolling in our "Go Green Now!" Rate is a great way to take a positive step forward in the fight against climate change!
Click on the button below to enroll using our "Go Green Now!" PDF Form and email the completed form back to us at Or drop it off at our 80 Commercial St. office.
"GO GREEN NOW!" Enrollment Form
These specific terms apply to this rate:
- 1. The term “carbon-free” electricity used in this rate has the same definition as “non-carbon emitting” electricity found in the “Act for Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy”, Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 25A, Section 11F3/4.
- 2. The rate is currently set at $0.022 (2.2 cents) per kilowatt-hour of residential electricity consumed. The rate is billed monthly, in addition to the standard MMLD Residential Rate A (MDPU-66). The rate will be listed as a separate line item on your monthly electric bill. Based on Marblehead residents’ average monthly electricity usage of 662 kilowatt-hours/month, the average monthly Go Green Now! rate due would be $14.56.
- 3. An average residential monthly electric bill, based on 662 kilowatt-hours/month, is $123.48. Adding the Go Green Now! rate of $14.56 increases the average monthly residential electric bill 11.8% to $138.04. (Monthly bill totals are based on the rates in effect March 2022.)
- 4. On a quarterly basis the revenue collected under this rate will be used to retire Berkshire Wind Mass Class 1 Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) that would otherwise be sold by MMLD. Additional RECs may be purchased and retired by MMLD, as needed.
- 5. Customers who enroll in this rate agree to participate for a minimum of one year.
- 6. On an annual basis MMLD will review all customer revenue collected under this rate. Any revenue shortfall caused by quarterly variations in REC prices will be paid by MMLD general revenue. Any customer overpayments will be used to retire additional RECs. If changing REC prices require the adjusting of this rate, the adjustment will be made with 60 days public notice.
- 7. An enrolled customer facing financial hardship may contact MMLD at 781-631-5600 to opt-out of this rate for their current and all future billing periods. Any enrolled customer may opt-out for any reason after one year.
Go Green Now Customer Enrollment Form 2022-03-25 v7