Marblehead Municipal Light Dept."Owned by the People We Serve!"
NEXT ZERO is Marblehead’s Residential Energy Efficiency and Conservation service. NEXTZERO provides Energy Education, Home Energy Audits (HEA), assistance with Home Energy Improvements, ENERGY STAR® Appliance Rebates, and more, funded through your low electricity rates.
Click through the options below to learn about the latest programs.
The mission of Marblehead Municipal Light Department (MMLD) is to provide reliable power as we work towards a goal of a carbon free portfolio, while maintaining competitive rates in a safe working environment for MMLD employees and its customers.
Since 1894, when our town voted to authorize the formation of its own municipal light department, MMLD has been providing modern electric power to the citizens and businesses of Marblehead. Many upgrades have been instituted over the years, including the latest Smart Meter technology, downtown underground utilities, substation construction, and more. Read more about us.
MMLD's Light Commission, our governing body, holds regularly scheduled meetings via Zoom and in-person in the Conference Room at 80 Commercial St. Dates and times of meetings are posted here.
Joe Kowalik leads the Light Department’s Management Group in our mission to provide reliable, cost-effective electric service for the customers of MMLD, while providing a safe work environment for our employees.
Greg helps oversee the daily operations of the Light Department. Greg's other duties include management of all the electrical operational functions including installation, maintenance, construction and extensions of lines for our electrical distribution system.
Our Manager of Finance is responsible for all monitoring, preparation and reporting of the financial functions of the Light Department, as well as the operation and maintenance of MMLD's customer information system.
Colin is our Manager of Technical Operations. He helps support the day-to-day operations within the Light Department, which can include substation operations, metering, and distribution engineering.
Chris is responsible for the development, deployment, and ongoing management of MMLD’s technology strategy and infrastructure. This includes metering, customer information, online payments, and GIS mapping.
Didi oversees the daily operations of MMLD's Meter Department. She also maintains the Light Department's AMI system, our integrated network of smart meters.
Nate monitors the daily operations of MMLD's Meter Department, and maintains the Light Department's AMI system, our integrated network of smart meters.
Megan fields and responds to our customer service inquiries, energy services and keeps our website up-to-date.
(short description of duties)
Marblehead Municipal Light Department is governed by a Light Commission whose members are elected by the town's citizens. They are sworn to uphold and always operate in the town's and its citizens' best interests.
Lisa Wolf, Chairman Simon Frechette, Vice Chair Jean-Jacques Yarmoff, Secretary Michael Hull, Commissioner Adam Smith, Commissioner
Check out our FAQs Page...or give us a call during Business Hours at (781) 631-5600.
Get the FAQs
In Emergencies, please call (781) 631-0240. Call 911 if your report involves safety or imminent threat to the public.
There are a host of online resources we recommend for people looking to spend less and be more environmentally-conscious.
Make going green fun with the links below.